An iconic symbol and feat of human engineering. The mysteries that surround the Great Pyramund are always a source of inspiration and curiosity. “Ages of human history have often  been named after the materials  that our ancestors mastered at that time: stone, bronze, or iron. If future archaeologists do the same for us, what amterial might they choose to define the 21st Century? Silicon? Plastic? Both are candidates, shaping the world for better and for worse. But if the decision were based on scale  alone, then there can be only one answer: we are living in the age of concrete.” The pyramids are reminders to what can be built with sheer effort, will and patience. Ideas, symbols and structures that can withstand the test of time.

: 8/28/2021
Show: Summer Exhibition, Group show, Curated by Kyle Evans
Location: DaDa Lab, Austin, TX
Medium: Site-specific installation - Projection mapping
Materials: Video
Dimensions: 10’ x 10’
Credits: Photo: Aaron Wharton